By the end of November, the Office of Personnel Management’s backlog of retirement claims in need of processing was more than 20,000 after taking a slight dip over the last seven months of the COVIC-19 pandemic, according to the agency’s latest numbers.
The claims inventory stood at 20,022 last month, up from 19,605 in October and having remained between 17,000 and 19,000 between the months of April and September.
OPM received 5,876 applications for retirement last month, compared to 8,323 in October and having received an average of 6,000 claims per month from March through September.
It processed 5,459 claims in November, which is down from 6,992 the month prior and significantly less than the 8,931 claims it processed in March at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The agency took an average of 76 days to process claims last month, which is comparable to the number of days it took to process a claim throughout the pandemic, but more than the average of 59 days in February, before the pandemic.
The figures come from OPM’s monthly claims processing progress report available on the OPM website.
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